Hi, LTS 1.447.1 RC1 is now available for download [1] (thanks Kohsuke for backports), thus we can start testing. As usual, I would like to ask for your help. If you stage RC in you stage environment or just download RC and try to run it, please drop a note on wiki page [2], shortly describe what you tested, where it was done (OS, JDK version) and the result. Testing should be finished in ~1 week.
Feel free to add new tests or repeating test which was already done by someone else in different env. is also very useful as some bug can appear only on e.g. one OS but not on other etc. Any test is very helpful, especially in case of new major LTS RC, like this one. Thanks in advance Vojta [1] http://mirrors.jenkins-ci.org/ [2] https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/LTS+1.447.x+RC+Testing