On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 11:44 PM, Frank Merrow <fmer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>I was referring to specifically to the way jenkins works, not about whether
> or not it is fun to write.
>>I don't see a lot of other languages that offer to self-install and execute
> across all the platforms that
>>run Jenkins as master or slaves.
> And I was pointing out that the IDE support for Java was weak compared to
> the Microsoft offerings . . .

IDE's don't matter if the resulting code won't run on the platform
where you want it.

> I was hoping you'd pipe up and tell me I was wrong "use Xyz" . . . was
> Eclipse that recommendation?
> The way you phrased it, it didn't sound like you even used it.

I'm more of a system administrator that uses perl as much as possible
to avoid dealing with compiler quirks at all, but the java developers
here do use eclipse and I would recommend it - just not from personal
experience.  The way it uses plugins makes it sort of a toolbox that
may need some custom setup for exactly the feature set you need,
though.  If you have looked at it and thought it was missing
something, you may have just needed a different setup.

   Les Mikesell

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