On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 10:01 PM, Frank Merrow <fmer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Let me know when you can pull off the magic of auto-installing and running
> your C#
>>application as remote slaves across a lot of different platforms.  Sometime
> the language
>>does matter.
> Religious wars don't interest me . . . if somebody will paid me big bucks to
> have fun all day programming . . . I'm happy to let them dictate the
> language.

I was referring to specifically to the way jenkins works, not about
whether or not it is fun to write.  I don't see a lot of other
languages that offer to self-install and execute across all the
platforms that run jenkins as master or slaves.

> So far, the Java tools that I've seen aren't nearly as "helpful" . . . I you
> know of an Java/Groovy IDE that can do even half of what Visual Studios can
> . . . please let me know!

I think most people use eclipse and its bazillion plugins, but again,
I was talking about the execution and cross-platform capabilities.

   Les Mikesell

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