>Let me know when you can pull off the magic of auto-installing and running
your C#
>application as remote slaves across a lot of different platforms.  Sometime
the language
>does matter. 

Religious wars don't interest me . . . if somebody will paid me big bucks to
have fun all day programming . . . I'm happy to let them dictate the

Having said that, I think the real draw to all the .NET languages has
nothing to do with the languages themselves . . . it has to do with the IDE
Visual Studio.

I start typing and a list of the variables and methods "right there" that
are available to me start appearing . . . I see the variable I want (an very
long and expressive name since I know I'll never have to type the whole
thing) and hit "dot" . . . immediately a list of methods and properties
appears that narrows to exactly what I want as I continue to type . . . when
I see what I want I just hit "return" and the 20 character method name is
filled in (even though I only typed four or five characters of it) and the
class docs for the method parameters start appearing in place as I type.  I
don't go read class documents, I just hit "dot" and look . . . not sure
which one it is, if I hover over it the class docs for that Method appear.
If there are several overloads, they can also be shown . . . or will
automagically adjust as start I filling in parameters.

It is very addictive . . . amazing how used to Intellisense you can get in
such a short time . . . 

Like it or not . . . Microsoft has taking development to a whole now place .
. .

So far, the Java tools that I've seen aren't nearly as "helpful" . . . I you
know of an Java/Groovy IDE that can do even half of what Visual Studios can
. . . please let me know!


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