risdenk commented on pull request #553: URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/553#issuecomment-1018189921
I need to review the `check` output and fix any license file issues. I figured it made sense to get this reviewed early - especially by @dsmiley with the dependency/transitive changes. This is most lkely the list of "added" dependencies - either for tests or in general: ``` Execution failed for task ':solr:core:validateJarLicenses'. > Certain license/ notice files are missing: - License file missing ('com.jcraft:jsch:0.1.55'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jsch-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('com.sun.jersey:jersey-core:1.19'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jersey-core-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jersey-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('com.sun.jersey:jersey-json:1.19'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jersey-json-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jersey-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('com.sun.jersey:jersey-server:1.19'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jersey-server-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jersey-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:2.2.3-1'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jaxb-impl-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jaxb-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('com.thoughtworks.paranamer:paranamer:2.3'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/paranamer-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.9.4'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/commons-beanutils-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/commons-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('commons-daemon:commons-daemon:1.0.13'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/commons-daemon-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/commons-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('commons-net:commons-net:3.6'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/commons-net-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/commons-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('dnsjava:dnsjava:2.1.7'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/dnsjava-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('io.netty:netty-all:4.1.68.Final'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/netty-all-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/netty-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('io.netty:netty:3.10.6.Final'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/netty-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('javax.activation:activation:1.1'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/activation-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('javax.servlet.jsp:jsp-api:2.1'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jsp-api-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jsp-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('javax.ws.rs:jsr311-api:1.1.1'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jsr311-api-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jsr311-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:2.2.2'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jaxb-api-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jaxb-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('javax.xml.stream:stax-api:1.0-2'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/stax-api-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/stax-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('org.apache.avro:avro:1.7.7'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/avro-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty:hadoop-shaded-guava:1.1.1'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/hadoop-shaded-guava-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/hadoop-shaded-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/hadoop-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty:hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7:1.1.1'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/hadoop-shaded-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/hadoop-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('org.apache.kerby:kerby-xdr:1.0.1'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/kerby-xdr-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/kerby-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('org.apache.kerby:token-provider:1.0.1'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/token-provider-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/token-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-jaxrs:1.9.2'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jackson-jaxrs-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jackson-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-mapper-asl:1.9.13'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jackson-mapper-asl-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jackson-mapper-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jackson-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-xc:1.9.2'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jackson-xc-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jackson-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('org.codehaus.jettison:jettison:1.1'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/jettison-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. - License file missing ('org.fusesource.leveldbjni:leveldbjni-all:1.8'), expected it at: /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/leveldbjni-all-LICENSE-[type].txt or /Users/risdenk/repos/apache/solr/solr/licenses/leveldbjni-LICENSE-[type].txt, where [type] can be any of [ASL, BSD, BSD_LIKE, CDDL, CPL, EPL, MIT, MPL, PD, SUN, COMPOUND]. ``` PS - it would be nice if this printed out if these were used for tests or not, but I think its possible to figure that out from the version lock or somehow. -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. 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