On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 13:49:18 -0800 (PST)

> While I agree with what you're saying, I think it's 
> important to point out that we're not just talking about 
> teenagers here. We're also talking about elementary 
> school age (and younger) kids, and as a mom, I think 
> young children just don't have enough perspective to 
> make their own decisions about the big things. There's a 
> big difference between a 7 or 8 year old and a 16 year 
> old. I personally don't have a problem with filtering 
> internet access in a kindergarten classroom. I do have a 
> problem with it in a high school or public library...
While I'm not entirely comfortable with the thought of a
kindergartener having access to pornography, etc, I'm more
uncomfortable with the arbitrary ages that the government
has come up with to partition off mental development -- why
is 18 the proper age to go off to war and to vote? why is 21
the proper age to be allowed to drink? When are we going to
say that it's ok for individuals to look at porn? 15? 18?
Will the age be different for boys and girls? At a certain
point, this sort of reasoning becomes silly...

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