After Deidre wrote me:
> You know, your posting to a list [your ex] is on is out of line. I'm not
> reading it, but I'll make a point of posting about you when you post to
> lists she's on.
I changed my mind about posting this. I was going to respect Deidre's list,
but if she's going to slander me anytime I end up in a group with my ex I
don't feel much respect for the bitch. Sorry, but I have a life too. God,
if posting to any list my ex reads is "out of line" I have to get off the
fucking internet.
This is too funny. I never thought mailing lists and newsgroups would end
up things that could end up in the divorce settlement. "Sorry, you can only
post to this group on alternate weekends and for 3 hours on Wednesdays."
ROFL Or maybe split custody...?
-----Original Message-----
From: Christi Rockwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 10:34 PM
To: 'Deirdre Saoirse'
[I was going to send this to the list, but on advice from others I'm going
to sleep on it before deciding. I am too ticked right now to make a
decision like that.]
When I got this in my mail apparently to me alone I was a bit miffed. I
started writing a response and then went to a group meeting. I decided at
the end of the meeting to more or less blow it off. Then I got home and
found the digest and this message in it. My first reaction was "What a
> BTW, do you always make a point of popping up on a lists your
> ex posts on?
> Seems really tacky behavior to me, especially in the middle
> of a divorce.
You don't know jack about me or why I'm here or what is going on in my life.
No one here does, not even my ex...[but then I've heard the phrase
"self-absorbed" used in reference to him many times over the last few
months, at least once REALLY making my day.] I did not come in here and
start spouting about who I am or who I had a relationship with because that
is off-topic. I responded on topic to a post and get my garbage drawn in
Personally, I think it's pretty tacky for you to bring up my personal life
on a mailing list that isn't about my personal life. Or did this group
change from linuxchix to christi_is_such_a_bitch when I wasn't looking?
> I'm reminded of a post my late husband posted in 1996 on
> alt.psychotic.roommates only to get, less than 24 hours
> later, a private
> email from the "roommate" in question that said only "sorry." The fact
> that she was reading all his posts, even to such obscure groups, was
> spooky to say the least....
You know I've heard lots of spooky stories myself lately... Like the woman
who left an abusive husband (who hit her and her kids... not an all out
beating, but hitting at all is enough) and less than a week later he was
telling people he was never going to see his kids again because of his
psycho ex (before she's even figured what's going on in her life... but then
he knows everything she's going to do, right?). Then he goes and tracks
down where she works. He steals her W-2s so she can't file her taxes. He
threatens to take the kids if she tries to move. After dealing with crap
from him for months she gets a protective order, but he threatens to sue her
lawyer saying it's all bull (off course he doesn't show up for the
hearing... go figure). She files for divorce, and he files a motion to
dismiss. What's up with that I don't know... Personally, it sounds like an
emotional game to control her even further by denying her a way out of the
relationship. Then he goes and logs into her bank accounts to get her loan
information (information which should be protected through privacy laws) and
tracks down the phone number she refuses to give him because he's so
emotionally abusive everytime they're on the phone.
But then, I lived in an abuse shelter for a couple of months and now live in
apartments run by the same group, so I get to know a lot of people that have
spooky shit going on in their lives. Having a person and their ex both
interested in linux seems a little tame to me.
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