On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Christi Rockwell wrote:

> I changed my mind about posting this.  I was going to respect Deidre's
> list, but if she's going to slander me anytime I end up in a group
> with my ex I don't feel much respect for the bitch.

Pot kettle black.

Sorry, but I believe you committed libel.

I didn't slander you; everything I said was truthful. If you feel
otherwise, my address for process of service can be obtained from the
usual places. Since you know I was being truthful, I am sure I won't
actually hear from your attorney.

> Sorry, but I have a life too.  God, if posting to any list my ex reads
> is "out of line" I have to get off the fucking internet.

This was a space I invited your ex to months ago. You knew, and, in the
middle of a divorce, you decide to show up, posting to a space where you
knew your ex cared about.

Complete and total lack of class.

[libellous statements snipped]

_Deirdre   *   http://www.sfknit.org   *   http://www.deirdre.net
"We can always count on the British. Except for the Revolutionary War
they've been perfect." -- Mel Brooks, on the first Concorde flight since 
the Paris crash.

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