[I really wish the reply default were to the list and not to the
individual poster.]
Melanie Burrett wrote:
> Here's an example. I don't want to sound bitter, but it
> is what is going on.
> <RANT>
> The isp where I work only has men in the technical
> areas, and mostly women in residential sales. There is
> only one guy in residential sales right now, and he
> won't be there for long because he is going to be one of
> the web designers in a month. In corporate sales there
> is more likelyhood for a woman to advance. There is one
> woman there now, and a woman is in charge of corporate
> ADSL sales.
> I am not sure about pay specifically. However, I make
> $7.50/h. The Helpdesk guys make $8.50 and up.
Where is it you live? One can make more than that at MacDonalds
or at a comic book store where I live (Denver, USA).
Where I work, until very recently, there has been a
software/hardware gender divide not warranted by either the
experience of the people so divided or the importance of software
vs. hardware in actually getting things done. Women do software;
men do hardware. Men are paid much, much, much more.
> I suppose I could try changing jobs. However I do not
> think it will get any better if I change companies.
Again, I suppose it depends on where you live, but this might not
be true at all. It might make a world of difference to change
companies. I don't see how you could lose all that much by
> just stay where I am and continue to improve my
> education and skills. Then I'll blow that popsicle
> stand. And sucks to be them when they have NO res. sales
> ppl. with ANY clue as to what a computer is, or how to
> find things on the internet.
I'd try to make it suck for them sooner rather than later.
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