I'm actually writing the issues FAQ at the moment*, believe it or not.
So I'm after some input from the group:
What questions get repeatedly asked?
What things do you want to never have to answer again?
What resources do you know of to point people at?
Question categories at the moment:
* Women's studies 101 (or Feminism 101)
'why do feminists all hate men?' 'you've got equal rights - don't you?'
* Women and Linux
slashdot articles, top women in linux, 'you want to marry a female hacker?'
* Being new to Linux
sources of information, (other) sources of help, distros
* Managing Geek Life
coping in a geek-only household (and not feeling responsible for the dishes),
dealing with larval phase, anything else people suggest...
* Mailing list stuff
grammar and spelling, why a message might not be meant as a flame
More suggestions for categories are welcomed. More questions are welcomed.
Suggested answers are cheered. :)
Jenn V.
* I'm recovering from being ill, and up to writing but not sure if the
of output will be professional. So I'm doing unpaid stuff where it doesn't
really matter if I throw the lot out and start over.
Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species
for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jenn Vesperman http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org