On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 01:17:33AM -0500, Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 21:30:30 -0800, Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >Again, I need to proof read more... My point was that most of the US
> >citizenry just plain don't care about the laws or the government.
> At least not until those laws land on their head.

Not really, in this countries history, people will generally suffer
under the law.  It doesn't appear this way because very vocal minorities
step up to the plate and make big waves, it takes a lot of effort, but
in the end it is the vocal minority reacting to the brow beatings of the
laws and getting new laws made and bad laws revoked, not some silent
majority.  In the end, their votes usually come around to help a given
cause, but, there is a big but to this one, to top that off, throughout
the entire of my life, the vast majority of citizens ignore their right
to vote.  I think what we have on the list is a group that is more or
less the exception rather than the rule.

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