On Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 07:00:11PM +0000, Rik Hemsley wrote:
> #if Mary Wood
> Goooood. I have this impression, rightly or wrongly, that the US
> is full of Christians, and right-wing ones at that. Plus it looks
> from here like they have a lot of power and that the US is getting
> progressively less liberal and more conservative. Speaking from

I think that the US is actually getting more conservative, at least in
respect to the wishes of big business.  The conservative (reactionary?)
Christian right-wingers are one of those loud annoying groups that makes
sure they get heard above everyone else.  It's kinda like those idiots
who go and flame the living daylights out of anyone who criticizes
{Linux|Windows|OS/2|Amiga|You get the idea}, they are loud and get
heard, and the more reasonable people in the group get drowned out...
Even though that is the case with loud right wing polititians, I would
have to say that the country is still going down their path.  I look at
my country and I see a government controlled by corporations, which is
the real cause of the conservatism, the republicans (and democrats, they
are by no means innocent) just go for these policies because they've
been payed off.

In actuality, we have this huge population of people who just don't give
a rat's something we can't talk about on the radio.  There are a lot of
Christians, mostly of one Protestant denomination or another, and there
are also a lot of atheists too, but they all just don't care, they don't
vote, they sit in front of their TV's and feel the world is just fine,
or are angry that the damn indians get to fish where they can't (sorry,
that one came up in class, and we have some outspoken bigots in there..

Yeah, I do find this all rather saddening, and the worst part seems to
be that I'm in a minority as far as political opinions are concerned..
Oh well, I'll figure out something.

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