#if Mary Wood
> If one is looking to learn a little more about a given religion from
> an unbiased source (not always easy to find), a good start is
> Religious Tolerance.org;
Cool :) I'm actually quite interested in religions, despite not
liking them in general (I blame them for lots of things...)
Will be nice to be able to read some unbiased info.
> ... And having them in a largely open minded forum. I generally
> stay away from such debates/discussions as most people I
> encounter have difficulty discussing the topic calmly and
> rationally. They end up loudly, dramatically and defensively
> telling me why I'm going to burn in hell while doing the adult
> version of a child covering his/her ears and singing so as not
> to have to hear what the other person is saying.
Hehe, I have a friend who's a Christian (yes, there are a couple
left in .uk) He's not shy to tell me he's been ringing bells
over the weekend, but he's completely opposite to the above
description. You couldn't get him into a rage about religion
if you tried :) Mind you, he does sign his messages 'God bless,'
- but he does that to annoy me :)
> I agree, it's refreshing to be able to discuss a charged topic
> with folk who, well, don't fit my above description. And I
> don't know that it's really stretching issues, as the original
> question is if organized religion (esp. Christianity) and open
> minds (esp. those in a set such as linuxchix) are mutually
> exclusive. I'd say that fits with the group and philosophy!
Goooood. I have this impression, rightly or wrongly, that the US
is full of Christians, and right-wing ones at that. Plus it looks
from here like they have a lot of power and that the US is getting
progressively less liberal and more conservative. Speaking from
a country that gets more liberal by the day, I'd like to find
out what the real story is. Perhaps seeing as there are a few
open-minded US citizens around here they'll know the beef, so to
speak. It also looks like .ca is not following in the footsteps
of the US. That impression is only from hearing people from .ca
talk here. It's newly formed :)
Buy time.
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