Kelly Lynn Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 21 Dec 1999 00:15:26 -0500, Robert Kiesling 
> >Aww shucks.  Thanks for defending me.  
> It's not like you needed defending.  It's easy to get people confused
> in a group like this, and I am not one to take offense easily.  I did
> go back through my posts for the last couple of months to see if I had 
> said anything strange, though.  If anything, you made me laugh. :)

Sorry, sorry, sorry. I was wrong.... 

The reason I sent the message, was to say that, in the heat of
chatting, too often statements get misunderstood, which could lead to
the example you cited.  There aren't many non-verbal cues in cyberspace,
and I like the slower pace of E-mail, where I can think over 
what I'm writing before sending a message.  

So, the point wasn't important, but meant to be illustrative.  (But
isn't it easy for me to say that now, with the benefit of hindsight?)





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