Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> And here's an area where there's a huge amount of women:
> MUSHes.
> I know there's at least one other poster to this list who knows
> a damn sight more than me about this: I'll leave it to her to
> come up with more reliable numbers :) But I'm sure there's a lot
> of women who are very well-known within that community for coding
> and running the things.
Reliable numbers?
It's almost impossible to collate or maintain reliable numbers
about ANYTHING about MUSHing - certainly not about gender balance,
given that many-or-most MUSHes are used for roleplaying games
online and thus people play with sex/gender. Hell, one of my
current characters can't remember what it originally was - it's
a shapeshifter.
However - of those I have spoken to and know well enough to have
been told what sex the person typing is - about half seem to be
Of the hardcoders (the people maintaining the server, rather than
maintaining code-internal-to-the-game), not quite half seem to be
Of the people who write major systems for MUSHes as a whole, two of
the three best-known are female (Amberyl and Brandy), and one is
gender unknown-to-me.
I'm not really as well-qualified as Telsa seems to think I am -
I've been MUSHing for ages, but it often seems like it's mostly
among the same group of people. :/
(you go to a new MUSH, start getting to know people, and all of
a sudden it's 'hey, don't I know you?')
Jenn V.
"We're repairing the coolant loop of a nuclear fusion reactor.
This is women's work!"
Helix, Freefall.
Jenn Vesperman [EMAIL PROTECTED]