On 18 Dec 1999, Kirrily 'Skud' Robert wrote:
> Not directed solely at JB, but I've noticed a few posts here lately just
> talking about open source issues and with no focus on women in open
> source. While I realise this list is relatively quiet and can probably
> cope with a few slightly-off-topic posts, I'd hate to see it turn into
> yet another slashdot, or other general open source forum. I've got way
> too much of that in my life already.
> So, um, this is not a big nasty "don't do it" but just a general "please
> think about it", OK?
>From deb's reminder email describing the lists:
Higher-level abstract/theoretical/philosophical discussions
related to Linux, open-source, or women & technology.
("How is the open-source development different?", "Why
are there so few women in high-tech?")
So it appears that discussions about open source are on-topic for this
list, even without a focus on women.
Another email list that I am subscribed to encourages people to not
comment on the off-topic-ness of other posts, but to post something
on-topic yourself. Which I will do in a separate email.
"So enormous, ramifying, and consistent has the evidence for evolution
become that if anyone could now disprove it, I should have my
conception of the orderliness of universe so shaken as to lead me to
doubt even my own existence." - H. J. Muller
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