I'm a unix sys admin in a Silicon Valley sofware company, which actually
has a (relatively) high percentage of women in technical positions (for
example, I'm in IT, which is made up of 4 women and 8 men).

So I was pretty surprised to receive an email the other day, addressed to
three of us in IT (two of the guys, and me), which started

"Gentlemen, ...."

The funny thing is, he must have realised what he did, as he sent out the
email again, this time starting with

"Group, ...."

I'm not so much offended by it, it was a pretty minor mistake to make. But
I'm just really surprised that he routinely starts emails with
"Gentlemen", considering that he *must* be corresponding with women every

I'm wondering whether to address my next email to him

"Ladies, ...." :)

So, I'm sure other people run into the same kind of thing.  What do you


"So enormous, ramifying, and consistent has the evidence for evolution 
become that if anyone could now disprove it, I should have my 
conception of the orderliness of universe so shaken as to lead me to 
doubt even my own existence."                           - H. J. Muller

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