On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Telsa Gwynne wrote:

> Well, as Laurel said, it's entirely possible they're there but 
> less well-known. As an example, I was looking at the manual page

Yes, it is possible, but there aren't any (except three) who participate
in LUG attivity, nor attend meeting, and they're not subscribed to any
italian mailing list nor to the linux observatory (which tries to monitor
italian linux users). 

> Now how one would search man pages for all the authors, I don't
> know :) But the programs which Linux distributions come with
> are generally free software, just as much as the kernel is.

Of course. Well, listing kernel developers is easy (there is just one
file), GNU authors is more difficult, so I began with  the kenrel :-)
But that's an idea, maybe gnu.org maintains a list of developers... I'll
have to check :-)

> The rest of the time I live in Mutt, Gnome and Lynx, with frequent
> forays into joe, grep, find, bash, more, cat, tinyfugue, etc. It's
> my impression that all of those will run on *BSD (although BSD
> has its own versions of some things I use, I think?) and many of 
> them run on the commercial unixes too. So how much I 'use' Linux,
> and how much I use the programs which run on it, I don't know :)

most of the software which runs on Linux kernel is GNU software, which has
not been developed explicitly for linux. This is why Stallman pretends
that anyone says "GNU/Linux" and not just "Linux" :-)


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