On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, Vinnie Surmonde wrote:
> > > A woman just like you wouldn't be there for you when you wanted a hug.
> > > She'd be obsessively coding or posting on Slashdot herself, and would
> > > brush you off when you needed her. What you really want is a woman who
> I guess I don't see it as any more of a problem than pages on how to get
> geek girls or guys. Some folks (both male and female, straight and gay)
> want an SO who holds down the fort and plays more of a support role than
> anything else. If they can find someone who doesn't mind this, more power
> to them...
aha. i think you've hit on something. I kinda find it offensive for anyone
to more-or-less openly seek someone to be hir
maintainer-of-all-things-domestic-and-emotional. And, gender politics
being what they are, it's most often men looking for this from women.
THere are women who do the same, only in reverse.
I think it's part of being a responsible adult to take care of your own
life-- from doing the laundry to maintaining emotional well-being. It's
fine to have some support in that. For me, it's *not* a goal to spend so
much time geeking that i need someone else to write the rent checks and
wash the dishes. IMO, any geek--- male, female, or otherwise--- who
aspires to this almost deserves to be single. Who wants to date someone
who spends so much time on projects that they have no time for an SO?
just my $0.02,
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