TeknoDragon wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Brendan/Coolian wrote:
> > >Perhaps. But after you hear "women can't do xx" (where xx is usually
> >
> >
> > This is called "transference". Who the hell has said anything about women
> > not being able to do things? We're talking about themes, and scantily-clad
> > people in such, NOT your built-up angst over somethign random.
> ummm, can you think in more than one direction at once?
> the theme is of course scantily clad women in screenshots, linux as a beer
> commercial etc... which by the way is all about classical roles of men and
> women and the steriotypes that have been extended and persist today...
> like women as sexual objects...
> like women as brainless creatures...
> like women can't do any "man's work"...
> like "women can't do xx"
> see the connection now? sure you'd have built up angst too if you were a
> woman... isn't that what this [EMAIL PROTECTED] is about? sorry you
> don't own this thread ;->
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
I can sort of see this point. I guess I am not as freaked at people putting up
images of whoever they find cute, but not try to shove it onto some people. I
mean I had some friends who couldn't understand I didn't like "Action Adventures"
and "Ultra Cynicism" movies as much as they did. Things like CON-AIR and "LAST
SUPPER" for example. They could not see how I could NOT like them, and thought I
was crazy. It is rattling, and it seemed kind of nasty to me.
They were a mixed group as far as any family can be. I eventually drifted away
from them because it was pretty depressing, and other weird events occurred. But
they all thought it was kind of "natural" and that it was weird not to like
Have Fun,
Sends Steve
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org