On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Brendan/Coolian wrote:

> > > Appreciating the female body is sexist, didn't you know?
> > > None of us have genitals, and if we did, we wouldn't be able to use them.

> >for the record, I don't believe anyone has said this

> For the record, no one seems to understand any sort of humor.  We all seem 
> to be so locked into Politically Correct mode...

You still haven't defined politically correct. 

However, it's commonly accepted that humour is marked in some way in
email, as it's hard to bring things like laughter and smiles and other
cues that the author is not being serious into an email without such

Since I see no smileys or tags, I (nor anyone else here) had any reason to
believe it was humour, unless you suddenly believe we have (en masse)
developed ESP (I haven't...)

Your original post shows a lack of clues, one way or another.


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