> >Perhaps. But after you hear "women can't do xx" (where xx is usually
> This is called "transference".  Who the hell has said anything about women
> not being able to do things?  We're talking about themes, and scantily-clad
> people in such, NOT your built-up angst over somethign random.

Well since you seem to have a lot of couth...

To some degree it IS about built up "angst". After you hear that SO many
times that you EXPECT it from the next man (or woman) you talk to about
something technical, you begin to see things where others wouldn't, or
at least to see things coming (even if they don't in the end...).

If you have such a problem with "built up angst" what are you doing
here? You don't seem to want to be productive. A thread in discussion
may digress to other issues (ha! the name of the list!), and that does
not make me stupid (which your tone of "voice" seems to imply I am). I
was responding to Sio about another topic (which was beginning to
digress from the scantily clad women beginnings).

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