> Taylor wrote:
> > Admit it: men aren't the only ones who objectify. Almost every
> > woman I know (myself included) is more than willing to talk about
> > the finer points of Mel G.'s rear, or movies where you get the
> > absolute best exposure of David D.'s hiney. We aren't delicate
> > little flowers, and I don't want anyone shielding the icky stuff
> > from me to protect my feelings.
> Actually, the only person I've ever discussed this kind of issue with
> is my husband. I've *never* been part of a group of women (or a group
> of men, or a mixed group) who discusses such things. About guys OR
> girls.
> Am I wierd, or is everyone else?
> Jenn V.
> --
> Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species
> for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jenn Vesperman http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Well let's see with close friends in private, well yeah we talk all these
things. In groups only among friends in mixed groups, and they were pretty
close. At the dead dog parties at BAYCON, yeah this has come up in mixed
groups. Usually people having too much fun. (BAYCON is Bay Area Science Fiction
So yeah it happens but it is a limited thing. But it is curious in the other
direction, Gyms make a lot of money on guys thinking if they get buff, they'll
"get a girlfriend" and male writers will often cross map things assuming "this
is how I look at women and what I like...so they must do it too.."
So, the only thing that does make me giggle a bit is when female hominids:)
would go on and on about "testosterone poisoning." So that is the only thing
that is a little irksome, because I am caught with my male hormones, unless I
want to really hack things up they'll be there. Whether they do what they are
supposedly doing according to popular culture is a very open question.
And people are buying into the "biology is destiny" thing when they do it. Even
if it does sometimes describe some crazy guy defending his turf. But a lot of
it does sound just as bad as 1940s sex manuals, or "Grunt The Caveman Explains
Sex For You..."
Have Fun,
Sends Steve
P.S. On the serious issues thing, well I can think of several, but I am SO
push buttons, it is difficult to think clearly, and loading controversial issue
after controversial issue doesn't help this a lot.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org