> > Admit it: men aren't the only ones who objectify. Almost every
> > woman I know (myself included) is more than willing to talk about
> > the finer points of Mel G.'s rear, or movies where you get the
> > absolute best exposure of David D.'s hiney. We aren't delicate
> > little flowers, and I don't want anyone shielding the icky stuff
> > from me to protect my feelings.
>Actually, the only person I've ever discussed this kind of issue with
>is my husband. I've *never* been part of a group of women (or a group
>of men, or a mixed group) who discusses such things. About guys OR
>Am I wierd, or is everyone else?

I find a lot of women and men I know not really interested in discussing 
the sexual aspects of others in public.  I think it's more of a shy vs. 
outgoing thing.  What you learn when you're young, I guess.


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