>or do you think that forcing porn down people's throats is a good >thing? yes... let's desencitize that 74 year old lady trying to pick out a >nice desktop for the computer a young friend is setting up for her (a >scenario I know is happening)... sure one death from stroke (or at least >a shocked old lady and her embarrased friend)... what is that compared to >freedom of speech? Who's saying any of that is happening. Grow some skin. >live a little... think about people other than yourself... appreciate I'm sorry, but stop trying to make anyone out as "the bad guy". You know nothing about me except the tiny bit you've seen here. Stop being so judgemental. Putting words in my mouth won't help your "cause" of kissing ass. Brendan ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lighter note Brendan/Coolian
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lighter not... Dakota Surmonde
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lighter... Brendan/Coolian
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lig... J. Myers
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lig... Dakota Surmonde
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lig... jenn
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lig... Deirdre Saoirse
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lig... Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on ... Brendan/Coolian
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lighter not... TeknoDragon
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lighter... Brendan/Coolian
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lig... TeknoDragon
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lig... Caitlyn M. Martin
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on ... Deirdre Saoirse
- Re: [issues] Screenshots - on a lighter note Deidre L. Calarco
- RE: [issues] Screenshots - on a lighter note Rikki McGinty
- Re: [issues] Screenshots - on a lighter note Deirdre Saoirse
- Re: [issues] Screenshots - on a lighter note Deidre L. Calarco
- Re: Fw: [issues] Screenshots - on a lighter note Lacey Stewart