Dakota Surmonde wrote:
> In part I was hoping when Ingrid brought this up, that we could use the
> chance to better-define what's up with the boys' club, and once we had a
> better description, discuss ways of changing (since I expect that we are
> all coping in our individual ways...). Any takers on that, still?
I think we've roughly got a definition of what's wrong. Please be aware that
it's /rough/, and we're still figuring it out. Please also be aware that this
is me trying to tease a definition out of my perception of what's been said...
Premise 1: that icons and symbols have societal power
Premise 2: that the icon of the 'bikini babe' or any variation thereof
represents, for reasons of its historical use, woman-as-sex-object.
Premise 3: that the juxtaposition of the icon in premise 2 with a 'masculine'
represents, for reasons of its historical use, a males-only area.
Premise 4: that computers are perceived and iconified in the current social
environment, as a primarily masculine icon - independant
of the results of this argument.
Combining 3 and 4: that the juxtaposition of a 'bikini babe' or any variation
thereof with a computer, defines a males-only area.
Combining 1 with that: that the definition of a males-only area around a
has societal power
And yes, I could probably pull this down into a much better formed argument,
but I'm too tired. :)
To /me/, this explained why I was vaguely disturbed at Dancer (who is as
as they come) having a rather stunning anime of Rei Ianame (sp) from
on his computer - with no top on. I like the picture, I know he has it
HE likes the picture, I didn't get WHY it disturbed me until something in the
discussion yesterday made me put all the above together. Aha.
So I discussed it with Dancer, and he's going to try to be more aware of
his 'social iconography' 'body language'. But probably not around me. :) I
him well enough that I'm responsible for bloody saying something - hell, I do
the social iconography body language thingy to him, too.
We all do.
So. 'ow's it going, mate? Don't come the raw prawn with me...'
Jenn V.
Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species
for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jenn Vesperman http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org