P.S. Raster is debunking the Linux Myths on his page, for those who may be interested: http://www.rasterman.com/raster/ I just noticed this when I went to check out the "linuxchick" theme that Naomi (hi, Naomi!) just mentioned... Kristina ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- [issues] MS again... Jack Baker
- RE: [issues] MS again... Rikki McGinty
- RE: [issues] MS again... Deirdre Saoirse
- RE: [issues] MS again... Nicole
- Re: [issues] MS again... Kristina
- Re: [issues] MS again... Just This Girl
- Re: [issues] MS again... Kristina
- Re: [issues] MS again... Caitlyn M. Martin
- Re: [issues] MS again... Jack Baker