On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Jack Baker wrote:
> Just saw this on ZDnet....Micro$oft is again slamming Linux. Now that the
> Justice Dept investigations are over, hee is the newest release from there
> website. Love to here what y'all think.
It's flattering, in a way. In a make-me-kind-of-sick-to-my-stomach kind of
way, but still. Microsoft must be feeling threatened in some way by the
Linux community, or they wouldn't have felt the need to put up a public
rebuttal. If Microsoft feels a need to try to debunk the Linux
phenomenon, then Linux must really be getting somewhere, n'est ce pas?
I do wonder about the benchmarks, though. After having BSD, Linux, and
other Unix boxen running for a year or more without a reboot, while having
to reboot NT servers under less load...errr...more often, why aren't there
any benchmarks that show Linux to be better? Or are they just hidden?
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