> Fortunately, I have
> yet to encounter workplace situations that parallel ones like the time a
> fellow CS student told me I wouldn't succeed in the field because women
> don't have problem-solving skills. (This was in a conversation in which he
> was kindly explaining to me the differences in male and female abilities.)

Wow - you sat there and LISTENED to that?  I think I would have been tempted
to do something violent, or at least extremely rude.

> Am I kidding myself if I'm telling myself
> that I can do anything men can do?

No.  As far as I can tell, there may be a difference in average aptitude for
men and women in certain areas (due to socialization, biology, or whatever),
but that doesn't say anything about what a particular individual is capable

Deidre  Calarco
Robert Darvas Associates
(734) 761-8713 (ext. 16)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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