In support of this I'd like to say that I agree.  If all women
were 'womanly' in the traditional way, it would be a hard,
lonely world for me and others like me.  Some people
like women who act like what mainstream society often
says women should act like, others don't.

Personal experience has shown me that relationships
between techie types and completely non-technical types
often have a lot of problems.  I believe this stems from
completely different values, interests, and perspectives,
and leaves those involved feeling like they don't understand
each other.

For those women out there who are married, how many
of you are with people who are clueless about the
technical side of your nature and have no interest in it?
My guess would be it ranges from not many to none.
This street runs both ways, many guys find it frustrating
that society generates so many women who exist across
an unbridgable personality gap.

So what I am saying is be who you choose to be.  Not
only are there people out there are OK with you being
that way, there are also people out there who want you
to be that way and are happy that you are.

And then there is an even greater issue behind this one,
(because others opinions are hardly the only standard
by which you should determine how you act) the issue
of who has the right to tell you that your way of being
is right or wrong.  So long as being the way you feel you
should be does not infringe on the rights of anyone else
to do so as well, my view is that nobody has the right
to dictate to you that you should not be a certain way.
There is no cosmic scale of measuring the best way
to be so anyone advocating one is merely expressing
their own view.  Weird is just another word for minority.
The Microsoft supporter may be weird at the Linux
convention but not at MS headquarters.  The woman
who likes Linux and games may be weird at the local
hair salon, but not here at LinuxChix.  Nobody is inherently
weird, it is simply a thing that reflects off the company
they are in at any given time.

Sorry I got all preachy and philosphical on all of you
there, but I've been wrestling with these issues a lot
lately and needed to vent a bit.  Thanks for putting
up with it.  ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Amanda Knox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 11:27 PM
Subject: [issues] Re: games for girls

>candace wrote:
>Hey Candace :)
>I'm gonna cross-post to [issues] and we can continue the conversation
>over there instead, if that's okay with you :) (sorry for the extra spam
>for everyone else, just trying to stay on topic and NOT lose the thread
>at the same time *grin*)
>> these new run-like-hell type games are just awesome!
>I find the only time I really like them is when I'm playing against
>other people. I _love_ plot! then again, I love to read, and mostly
>medieval type stuff. I've always been a big AD&D/shadowrun/whatever RPG
>fan, though. Maybe it's more personality than anything else. I think
>there are all types of women, just like there are all types of men.
>Hubby likes to read fiction, while a good male friend of mine only reads
>technical stuff.
>My best friend gets her nails done, loves clothes shopping and all sorts
>of 'traditional girl stuff'. I wear only a bit of make-up, hate wearing
>dresses, don't mind shopping (but not for clothes), LOVE computers, and
>yet have the maternal instincts of a lioness *laugh* I wouldn't say I'm
>more 'male' than female though. I just think I'm different than the
>'average' woman, if there is indeed an average. Maybe a lot more women
>are less 'womanly' than they'd like to admit. Maybe we watch 90210 too
>much ;)
>So, I don't think you're weird at all. I think you're being yourself,
>which is quite nice and refreshing. It's taken me a long time to accept
>who I am and that I'm different than a lot of my female counterparts. So
>if you like shoot-em-up games, go for it! And if you ever play online,
>let me know. I'll let you kick my a$$ ;)


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