
Naveen Gangam commented on HIVE-12274:

I am currently investigating test failures above from the TestPerfCliDriver. 
All failures seem to be from difference in the qtest output. I narrowed down 
the cause. The expected output is from CBO enabled. The actual output is a 
result of CBO being disabled because the test is unable to bulk load data into 
HMS metastore. This bulk loader uses a little known feature in derby to import 
the data from a txt file. Since we are changing the type of 
TABLE_PARAMS.PARAM_VALUE to CLOB, there format for the data needs to be 
different. Looking at the code, the CLOB column DATA needs to be separated into 
its own file and the original data file needs to have the filename, offset and 
the data length to read from. This is my understanding based on reading the 
code from.

I have been able to get past the initial failure, but CBO fails further along 
without clear message. [~thejas] Who can I approach to understand these CBO 
failures? Thanks

> Increase width of columns used for general configuration in the metastore.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-12274
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-12274
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Metastore
>    Affects Versions: 2.0.0
>            Reporter: Elliot West
>            Assignee: Naveen Gangam
>              Labels: metastore
>         Attachments: HIVE-12274.2.patch, HIVE-12274.2.patch, 
> HIVE-12274.example.ddl.hql, HIVE-12274.patch, HIVE-12274.patch, 
> HIVE-12274.patch
> h2. Overview
> This issue is very similar in principle to HIVE-1364. We are hitting a limit 
> when processing JSON data that has a large nested schema. The struct 
> definition is truncated when inserted into the metastore database column 
> {{COLUMNS_V2.YPE_NAME}} as it is greater than 4000 characters in length.
> Given that the purpose of these columns is to hold very loosely defined 
> configuration values it seems rather limiting to impose such a relatively low 
> length bound. One can imagine that valid use cases will arise where 
> reasonable parameter/property values exceed the current limit. 
> h2. Context
> These limitations were in by the [patch 
> attributed|https://github.com/apache/hive/commit/c21a526b0a752df2a51d20a2729cc8493c228799]
>  to HIVE-1364 which mentions the _"max length on Oracle 9i/10g/11g"_ as the 
> reason. However, nowadays the limit can be increased because:
> * Oracle DB's {{varchar2}} supports 32767 bytes now, by setting the 
> configuration parameter {{MAX_STRING_SIZE}} to {{EXTENDED}}. 
> ([source|http://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SQLRF/sql_elements001.htm#SQLRF55623])
> * Postgres supports a max of 1GB for {{character}} datatype. 
> ([source|http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/datatype-character.html])
> * MySQL can support upto 65535 bytes for the entire row. So long as the 
> {{PARAM_KEY}} value + {{PARAM_VALUE}} is less than 65535, we should be good. 
> ([source|http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/char.html])
> * SQL Server's {{varchar}} max length is 8000 and can go beyond using 
> "varchar(max)" with the same limitation as MySQL being 65535 bytes for the 
> entire row. ([source|http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/char.html])
> * Derby's {{varchar}} can be upto 32672 bytes. 
> ([source|https://db.apache.org/derby/docs/10.7/ref/rrefsqlj41207.html])
> h2. Proposal
> Can these columns not use CLOB-like types as for example as used by 
> {{TBLS.VIEW_EXPANDED_TEXT}}? It would seem that suitable type equivalents 
> exist for all targeted database platforms:
> * MySQL: {{mediumtext}}
> * Postgres: {{text}}
> * Oracle: {{CLOB}}
> * Derby: {{LONG VARCHAR}}
> I'd suggest that the candidates for type change are:
> After updating the maximum length the metastore database needs to be 
> configured and restarted with the new settings. Altering {{MAX_STRING_SIZE}} 
> will update database objects and possibly invalidate them, as follows:
> * Tables with virtual columns will be updated with new data type metadata for 
> virtual columns of {{VARCHAR2(4000)}}, 4000-byte {{NVARCHAR2}}, or 
> {{RAW(2000)}} type.
> * Functional indexes will become unusable if a change to their associated 
> virtual columns causes the index key to exceed index key length limits. 
> Attempts to rebuild such indexes will fail with {{ORA-01450: maximum key 
> length exceeded}}.
> * Views will be invalidated if they contain {{VARCHAR2(4000)}}, 4000-byte 
> {{NVARCHAR2}}, or {{RAW(2000)}} typed expression columns.
> * Materialized views will be updated with new metadata {{VARCHAR2(4000)}}, 
> 4000-byte {{NVARCHAR2}}, and {{RAW(2000)}} typed expression columns
> * So the limitation could be raised to 32672 bytes, with the caveat that 
> MySQL and SQL Server limit the row length to 65535 bytes, so that should also 
> be validated to provide consistency.
> Finally, will this limitation persist in the work resulting from HIVE-9452?

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