
ASF GitHub Bot logged work on HIVE-24918:

                Author: ASF GitHub Bot
            Created on: 23/Jul/21 07:34
            Start Date: 23/Jul/21 07:34
    Worklog Time Spent: 10m 
      Work Description: pkumarsinha commented on a change in pull request #2121:
URL: https://github.com/apache/hive/pull/2121#discussion_r675326231

File path: ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/repl/ReplDumpTask.java
@@ -236,12 +251,55 @@ public int execute() {
       catch (Exception ex){
         LOG.error("Failed to collect replication metrics: ", ex);
-        return errorCode;        
+        return errorCode;
     return 0;
+  private void preProcessFailoverIfRequired(Path previousValidHiveDumpDir, 
Path currentHiveDumpDir,
+                                            boolean isPrevDumpFailoverReady) 
throws HiveException, IOException {
+    FileSystem fs = currentHiveDumpDir.getFileSystem(conf);
+    boolean shouldFailover = shouldFailover();
+    Database db = getHive().getDatabase(work.dbNameOrPattern);
+    if (isPrevDumpFailoverReady) {
+      boolean isDbFailedOver = MetaStoreUtils.isDbBeingFailedOver(db);
+      if (isDbFailedOver) {
+        //Since previous valid dump is failover ready and 
repl.failover.enabled is set for database, just rollback
+        // the failover process initiated in the previous iteration.
+        LOG.info("Rolling back failover initiated in previous dump 
+        fs.delete(new Path(previousValidHiveDumpDir, 
ReplAck.FAILOVER_READY_MARKER.toString()), true);
+      } else {
+        //Since previous valid dump is failover ready and 
repl.failover.enabled is not set for database, this means
+        //this is first dump operation in the reverse direction.
+        LOG.info("Switching to bootstrap dump as this is the first dump 
execution after failover.");
+        work.setFirstDumpAfterFailover(true);
+      }
+    } else if (work.shouldOverWrite()) {
+      //shouldOverWrite is set when previous failed dump iteration is resumed.
+      Path failoverMetadataFile = new Path(currentHiveDumpDir, 
+      Path failoverReadyMarkerFile = new Path(currentHiveDumpDir, 
+      if (fs.exists(failoverReadyMarkerFile)) {
+        //If failoverReadyMarker exists, this means previous dump failed while 
creating dump ACK. Just delete and proceed.
+        LOG.info("Deleting failover ready marker file: {}.", 
+        fs.delete(failoverReadyMarkerFile, true);
+      }
+      if (fs.exists(failoverMetadataFile) && !shouldFailover) {
+        LOG.info("Rolling back failover initiated in previous dump 
+        fs.delete(failoverMetadataFile, true);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!shouldFailover) {
+      unsetReplFailoverEnabledIfSet(db);
+    }
+  }
+  private boolean isDumpFailoverReady(Path previousValidHiveDumpPath) throws 
HiveException, IOException {

Review comment:
       Does not throw HiveException. Remove it.

File path: 
@@ -200,6 +203,232 @@ private void testTargetDbReplIncompatible(boolean 
setReplIncompProp) throws Thro
+  @Test
+  public void testFailoverDuringDump() throws Throwable {
+    HiveConf primaryConf = primary.getConf();
+    TxnStore txnHandler = TxnUtils.getTxnStore(primary.getConf());
+    List<String> failoverConfigs = Arrays.asList("'" + 
HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_REPL_FAILOVER_START + "'='true'");
+    WarehouseInstance.Tuple dumpData = primary.run("use " + primaryDbName)
+            .run("create table t1 (id int) clustered by(id) into 3 buckets 
stored as orc " +
+                    "tblproperties (\"transactional\"=\"true\")")
+            .run("create table t2 (rank int) partitioned by (name string) 
tblproperties(\"transactional\"=\"true\", " +
+                    "\"transactional_properties\"=\"insert_only\")")
+            .dump(primaryDbName, failoverConfigs);
+    //This dump is not failover ready as target db can be used for replication 
only after first incremental load.
+    FileSystem fs = new Path(dumpData.dumpLocation).getFileSystem(conf);
+    Path dumpPath = new Path(dumpData.dumpLocation, 
+    assertFalse(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 
+    replica.load(replicatedDbName, primaryDbName)
+            .run("use " + replicatedDbName)
+            .run("show tables")
+            .verifyResults(new String[]{"t1", "t2"})
+            .run("repl status " + replicatedDbName)
+            .verifyResult(dumpData.lastReplicationId);
+    primary.run("use " + primaryDbName)
+            .run("insert into t1 values(1)")
+            .run("insert into t2 partition(name='Bob') values(11)")
+            .run("insert into t2 partition(name='Carl') values(10)");
+    /**Open transactions can be of two types:
+     Case 1) Txns that have not acquired HIVE LOCKS or they belong to 
different db: These txns would be captured in
+     _failovermetadata file inside dump directory.
+     Case 2) Txns that have acquired HIVE LOCKS and belong to db under 
replication: These txns would be aborted by hive
+     as part of dump operation.
+     */
+    // Open 3 txns for Database which is not under replication
+    int numTxnsForSecDb = 3;
+    List<Long> txnsForSecDb = openTxns(numTxnsForSecDb, txnHandler, 
+    // Allocate write ids for both tables of secondary db for 3 txns
+    // t1=5 and t2=5
+    Map<String, Long> tablesInSecDb = new HashMap<>();
+    tablesInSecDb.put("t1", (long) numTxnsForSecDb);
+    tablesInSecDb.put("t2", (long) numTxnsForSecDb);
+    List<Long> lockIdsForSecDb = 
allocateWriteIdsForTablesAndAquireLocks(primaryDbName + "_extra",
+            tablesInSecDb, txnHandler, txnsForSecDb, primaryConf);
+    //Open 2 txns for Primary Db
+    int numTxnsForPrimaryDb = 2;
+    List<Long> txnsForPrimaryDb = openTxns(numTxnsForPrimaryDb, txnHandler, 
+    // Allocate write ids for both tables of primary db for 2 txns
+    // t1=5 and t2=5
+    Map<String, Long> tablesInPrimaryDb = new HashMap<>();
+    tablesInPrimaryDb.put("t1", (long) numTxnsForPrimaryDb + 1);
+    tablesInPrimaryDb.put("t2", (long) numTxnsForPrimaryDb + 2);
+    List<Long> lockIdsForPrimaryDb = 
+            tablesInPrimaryDb, txnHandler, txnsForPrimaryDb, primaryConf);
+    //Open 1 txn with no hive locks acquired
+    List<Long> txnsWithNoLocks = openTxns(1, txnHandler, primaryConf);
+    dumpData = primary.dump(primaryDbName, failoverConfigs);
+    fs = new Path(dumpData.dumpLocation).getFileSystem(conf);
+    dumpPath = new Path(dumpData.dumpLocation, ReplUtils.REPL_HIVE_BASE_DIR);
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, DUMP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.toString())));
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 
+    FailoverMetaData failoverMD = new FailoverMetaData(dumpPath, conf);
+    List<Long> openTxns = failoverMD.getOpenTxns();
+    List<Long> txnsAborted = failoverMD.getAbortedTxns();
+    assertTrue(txnsAborted.size() == 2);
+    assertTrue(txnsAborted.containsAll(txnsForPrimaryDb));
+    assertTrue(openTxns.size() == 4);
+    assertTrue(openTxns.containsAll(txnsForSecDb));
+    assertTrue(openTxns.containsAll(txnsWithNoLocks));
+    assertTrue(failoverMD.getTxnsWithoutLock().equals(txnsWithNoLocks));
+    //TxnsForPrimaryDb and txnsWithNoLocks would have been aborted by dump 
+    verifyAllOpenTxnsAborted(txnsForPrimaryDb, primaryConf);
+    verifyAllOpenTxnsNotAborted(txnsForSecDb, primaryConf);
+    verifyAllOpenTxnsNotAborted(txnsWithNoLocks, primaryConf);
+    //Abort the txns
+    txnHandler.abortTxns(new AbortTxnsRequest(txnsForSecDb));
+    txnHandler.abortTxns(new AbortTxnsRequest(txnsWithNoLocks));
+    verifyAllOpenTxnsAborted(txnsForSecDb, primaryConf);
+    verifyAllOpenTxnsAborted(txnsWithNoLocks, primaryConf);
+    releaseLocks(txnHandler, lockIdsForSecDb);
+    replica.load(replicatedDbName, primaryDbName)
+            .run("use " + replicatedDbName)
+            .run("show tables")
+            .verifyResults(new String[]{"t1", "t2"})
+            .run("repl status " + replicatedDbName)
+            .verifyResult(dumpData.lastReplicationId)
+            .run("select id from t1")
+            .verifyResults(new String[]{"1"})
+            .run("select rank from t2 order by rank")
+            .verifyResults(new String[]{"10", "11"});
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 
+    Path dbRootDir = new Path(dumpData.dumpLocation).getParent();
+    long prevDumpDirModifTime = getLatestDumpDirModifTime(dbRootDir);
+    primary.run("REPL DUMP " + primaryDbName + " with ('" + 
HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_REPL_FAILOVER_START + "' = 'true')");
+    Assert.assertEquals(dumpData.dumpLocation, 
ReplUtils.getLatestDumpPath(dbRootDir, conf).toString());
+    Assert.assertEquals(prevDumpDirModifTime, 
+    dumpPath = new Path(dumpData.dumpLocation, ReplUtils.REPL_HIVE_BASE_DIR);
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 
+    dumpData = primary.dump(primaryDbName);
+    dumpPath = new Path(dumpData.dumpLocation, ReplUtils.REPL_HIVE_BASE_DIR);
+    Assert.assertEquals(new DumpMetaData(dumpPath, conf).getDumpType(), 
+    Path failoverReadyFile = new Path(dumpPath, 
+    Path failoverMdFile = new Path(dumpPath, 
+    assertFalse(fs.exists(failoverReadyFile));
+    assertFalse(fs.exists(failoverMdFile));
+    replica.load(replicatedDbName, primaryDbName);
+    fs.create(failoverReadyFile);
+    fs.create(failoverMdFile);
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(failoverReadyFile));
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(failoverMdFile));
+    //Since the failover start config is disabled and previous valid dump 
directory contains _failover_ready marker file
+    //So, this dump iteration will perform bootstrap dump instead of 
incremental and last dump directory also should not
+    //deleted.
+    WarehouseInstance.Tuple newDumpData = primary.dump(primaryDbName);
+    assertNotEquals(newDumpData.dumpLocation, dumpData.dumpLocation);
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(dumpPath));
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 
+    dumpPath = new Path(newDumpData.dumpLocation, 
+    assertFalse(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 
+    assertTrue(new DumpMetaData(dumpPath, conf).getDumpType() == 
+  }
+  private long getLatestDumpDirModifTime(Path dumpRoot) throws Exception {
+    FileSystem fs = dumpRoot.getFileSystem(conf);
+    long latestModifTime = -1;
+    if (fs.exists(dumpRoot)) {
+      for (FileStatus status : fs.listStatus(dumpRoot)) {
+        if (status.getModificationTime() > latestModifTime) {
+          latestModifTime = status.getModificationTime();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return latestModifTime;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testFailoverDuringDumpWithPreviousFailed() throws Throwable {
+    WarehouseInstance.Tuple dumpData = null;
+    List<String> failoverConfigs = Arrays.asList("'" + 
HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_REPL_FAILOVER_START + "'='true'",
+            "'" + HiveConf.ConfVars.REPL_RETAIN_PREV_DUMP_DIR + "'='true'");
+    dumpData = primary.run("use " + primaryDbName)
+            .run("create table t1 (id int) clustered by(id) into 3 buckets 
stored as orc " +
+                    "tblproperties (\"transactional\"=\"true\")")
+            .run("create table t2 (rank int) partitioned by (name string) 
tblproperties(\"transactional\"=\"true\", " +
+                    "\"transactional_properties\"=\"insert_only\")")
+            .dump(primaryDbName, failoverConfigs);
+    //This dump is not failover ready as target db can be used for replication 
only after first incremental load.
+    FileSystem fs = new Path(dumpData.dumpLocation).getFileSystem(conf);
+    Path dumpPath = new Path(dumpData.dumpLocation, 
+    assertFalse(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 
+    assertFalse(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 
+    replica.load(replicatedDbName, primaryDbName)
+            .run("use " + replicatedDbName)
+            .run("show tables")
+            .verifyResults(new String[]{"t1", "t2"})
+            .run("repl status " + replicatedDbName)
+            .verifyResult(dumpData.lastReplicationId);
+    dumpData = primary.run("use " + primaryDbName)
+            .run("insert into t1 values(1)")
+            .run("insert into t2 partition(name='Bob') values(11)")
+            .dump(primaryDbName, failoverConfigs);
+    dumpPath = new Path(dumpData.dumpLocation, ReplUtils.REPL_HIVE_BASE_DIR);
+    Path dumpAckFile = new Path(dumpPath, DUMP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.toString());
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(dumpAckFile));
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 
+    FailoverMetaData previousFmd = new FailoverMetaData(dumpPath, conf);
+    Long failoverEventId = previousFmd.getFailoverEventId();
+    assertTrue(failoverEventId >= Long.parseLong(dumpData.lastReplicationId));
+    fs.delete(dumpAckFile, false);
+    dumpData = primary.run("use " + primaryDbName)
+            .run("insert into t2 partition(name='Carl') values(10)")
+            .dump(primaryDbName, failoverConfigs);
+    dumpPath = new Path(dumpData.dumpLocation, ReplUtils.REPL_HIVE_BASE_DIR);
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, DUMP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.toString())));
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 
+    assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(dumpPath, 

Review comment:
       Add modTime check for failover_metadata file.

File path: ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/repl/ReplDumpTask.java
@@ -424,11 +491,13 @@ private boolean validDump(Path dumpDir) throws 
IOException {
     return false;
-  private boolean shouldDump(Path previousDumpPath) throws IOException {
+  private boolean shouldDump(Path previousDumpPath, boolean 
isFailoverMarkerPresent) throws IOException {
     //If no previous dump means bootstrap. So return true as there was no

Review comment:
       Can you add some comment here? like:
   /** a) If there is no previous dump dir found, the current run is bootstrap 
        *  b) If the previous dump was successful and it contains failover 
marker file as well as
        *  HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_REPL_FAILOVER_START == true, last dump was a 
controlled failover dump,
        *  skip doing any further dump.

File path: ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/repl/ReplDumpTask.java
@@ -173,22 +177,29 @@ public int execute() {
         Path previousValidHiveDumpPath = 
-        boolean isBootstrap = (previousValidHiveDumpPath == null);
-        work.setBootstrap(isBootstrap);
-        if (previousValidHiveDumpPath != null) {
+        boolean isPrevDumpFailoverReady = false;

Review comment:
       Rename to isFailoverMarkerPresent

File path: ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/repl/ReplDumpTask.java
@@ -236,12 +251,55 @@ public int execute() {
       catch (Exception ex){
         LOG.error("Failed to collect replication metrics: ", ex);
-        return errorCode;        
+        return errorCode;
     return 0;
+  private void preProcessFailoverIfRequired(Path previousValidHiveDumpDir, 
Path currentHiveDumpDir,
+                                            boolean isPrevDumpFailoverReady) 
throws HiveException, IOException {
+    FileSystem fs = currentHiveDumpDir.getFileSystem(conf);
+    boolean shouldFailover = shouldFailover();
+    Database db = getHive().getDatabase(work.dbNameOrPattern);
+    if (isPrevDumpFailoverReady) {
+      boolean isDbFailedOver = MetaStoreUtils.isDbBeingFailedOver(db);
+      if (isDbFailedOver) {

Review comment:
       Use MetaStoreUtils.isDbBeingFailedOver(db)

File path: ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/repl/ReplDumpTask.java
@@ -236,12 +251,55 @@ public int execute() {
       catch (Exception ex){
         LOG.error("Failed to collect replication metrics: ", ex);
-        return errorCode;        
+        return errorCode;
     return 0;
+  private void preProcessFailoverIfRequired(Path previousValidHiveDumpDir, 
Path currentHiveDumpDir,
+                                            boolean isPrevDumpFailoverReady) 
throws HiveException, IOException {
+    FileSystem fs = currentHiveDumpDir.getFileSystem(conf);
+    boolean shouldFailover = shouldFailover();
+    Database db = getHive().getDatabase(work.dbNameOrPattern);
+    if (isPrevDumpFailoverReady) {
+      boolean isDbFailedOver = MetaStoreUtils.isDbBeingFailedOver(db);
+      if (isDbFailedOver) {
+        //Since previous valid dump is failover ready and 
repl.failover.enabled is set for database, just rollback
+        // the failover process initiated in the previous iteration.
+        LOG.info("Rolling back failover initiated in previous dump 
+        fs.delete(new Path(previousValidHiveDumpDir, 
ReplAck.FAILOVER_READY_MARKER.toString()), true);
+      } else {
+        //Since previous valid dump is failover ready and 
repl.failover.enabled is not set for database, this means
+        //this is first dump operation in the reverse direction.
+        LOG.info("Switching to bootstrap dump as this is the first dump 
execution after failover.");
+        work.setFirstDumpAfterFailover(true);
+      }
+    } else if (work.shouldOverWrite()) {
+      //shouldOverWrite is set when previous failed dump iteration is resumed.
+      Path failoverMetadataFile = new Path(currentHiveDumpDir, 
+      Path failoverReadyMarkerFile = new Path(currentHiveDumpDir, 
+      if (fs.exists(failoverReadyMarkerFile)) {
+        //If failoverReadyMarker exists, this means previous dump failed while 
creating dump ACK. Just delete and proceed.
+        LOG.info("Deleting failover ready marker file: {}.", 
+        fs.delete(failoverReadyMarkerFile, true);
+      }
+      if (fs.exists(failoverMetadataFile) && !shouldFailover) {

Review comment:
       Not needed. It can help debug should the need arise

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Issue Time Tracking

    Worklog Id:     (was: 627042)
    Time Spent: 7h 40m  (was: 7.5h)

> Handle failover case during Repl Dump
> -------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-24918
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-24918
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>            Reporter: Haymant Mangla
>            Assignee: Haymant Mangla
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>          Time Spent: 7h 40m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> To handle:
>  a) Whenever user wants to go ahead with failover, during the next or 
> subsequent repl dump operation upon confirming that there are no pending open 
> transaction events, It should create a _failover_ready marker file in the 
> dump dir. This marker file would contain scheduled query name
> that has generated this dump.
> b) Skip next repl dump instances once we have the marker file placed.

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