Github user tzulitai commented on a diff in the pull request: --- Diff: docs/dev/connectors/ --- @@ -161,6 +161,46 @@ For convenience, Flink provides the following schemas: The KeyValue objectNode contains a "key" and "value" field which contain all fields, as well as an optional "metadata" field that exposes the offset/partition/topic for this message. +#### Kafka Consumers Start Position Configuration + +By default, the Flink Kafka Consumer starts reading partitions from the consumer group's (`` setting in the +consumer properties) committed offsets in Kafka brokers (or Zookeeper for Kafka 0.8). + +This behaviour can be explicitly overriden, as demonstrated below: + +<div class="codetabs" markdown="1"> +<div data-lang="java" markdown="1"> +{% highlight java %} +final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); + +FlinkKafkaConsumer08<String> myConsumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer08<>(...); +myConsumer.setStartFromEarliest(); // start from the earliest record possible +myConsumer.setStartFromLatest(); // start from the latest record +myConsumer.setStartFromGroupOffsets(); // the default behaviour + +DataStream<String> stream = env.addSource(myConsumer); +... +{% endhighlight %} +</div> +<div data-lang="scala" markdown="1"> +{% highlight scala %} +val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment() + +val myConsumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer08[String](...) +myConsumer.setStartFromEarliest() // start from the earliest record possible +myConsumer.setStartFromLatest() // start from the latest record +myConsumer.setStartFromGroupOffsets() // the default behaviour + +val stream = env.addSource(myConsumer) +... +{% endhighlight %} +</div> +</div> + +All versions of the Flink Kafka Consumer have the above explicit configuration methods for start position. When +configured to start from the earliest or latest record by calling either `setStartFromEarliest()` or `setStartFromLatest()`, +the consumer will ignore any committed group offsets in Kafka when determining the start position for partitions. --- End diff -- Good point, will add.
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