
Yanfei Lei commented on FLINK-31593:

[~mapohl] Sorry for the late reply,  after reproducing this issue locally, I 
think the root cause is that `

StatefulJobSavepointMigrationITCase` partially moves the snapshot files to a 


All state backends in `StatefulJobSavepointMigrationITCase`  are 
non-incremental, all files are placed in chk-x folder. But the files of 
changelog state backend are not completely placed under chk-x, some files are 
placed under taskowned folder.

├── chk-2
│   ├── 5487d0fd-a361-4085-8ee0-7364ffd4511a
│   ├── _metadata
│   └── d3596cf7-3c6e-4081-b37b-f5a3e1a40086
├── shared
└── taskowned
    ├── 01aefc31-8ee1-41a8-9cd3-a94ccf85052f
    ├── 02bf09d3-73db-4c45-b6a1-15987659e3e6
    ├── 0c456b9b-9f90-4696-a2be-16e5938358ae {code}

This also explains why this issue didn't show up earlier:

1. If the version <= 1.15, changelog state backend is disabled.

2. If the version >= 1.16, change state backend is randomly turned on, when the 
changelog is turned off, this issue would not be triggered.


So I have two questions:
 # Whether the incremental rocksdb state backend should be tested here?
 # Do we need to change the move function to support testing of changelog state 
backend ?

> Update reference data for Migration Tests
> -----------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-31593
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-31593
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>            Reporter: Matthias Pohl
>            Assignee: Matthias Pohl
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>         Attachments: 
> FLINK-31593.StatefulJobSavepointMigrationITCase.create_snapshot.log, 
> FLINK-31593.StatefulJobSavepointMigrationITCase.verify_snapshot.log
> # Update {{CURRENT_VERSION in TypeSerializerUpgradeTestBase}}  with the new 
> version. This will likely fail some tests because snapshots are missing for 
> that version. Generate them, for example in 
> {{TypeSerializerUpgradeTestBase.}} 
>  # (major/minor only) Update migration tests in master to cover migration 
> from new version: (search for usages of FlinkV{{{}ersion{}}})
>  ** AbstractOperatorRestoreTestBase
>  ** CEPMigrationTest
>  ** BucketingSinkMigrationTest
>  ** FlinkKafkaConsumerBaseMigrationTest
>  ** ContinuousFileProcessingMigrationTest
>  ** WindowOperatorMigrationTest
>  ** StatefulJobSavepointMigrationITCase
>  ** StatefulJobWBroadcastStateMigrationITCase

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