Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request: --- Diff: docs/dev/table/ --- @@ -236,6 +236,52 @@ tableEnv.registerTableSource("CsvTable", csvSource) {% top %} +### Register a TableSink + +A `TableSink` [emits a Table](common.html#emit-a-table) to an external storage system, such as a database, key-value store, message queue, or file system (in different encodings, e.g., CSV, Parquet, or ORC). + +Flink aims to provide TableSources for common data formats and storage systems. Please see the documentation about [Table Sources and Sinks]({{ site.baseurl }}/dev/table/sourceSinks.html) page for details about available sinks and instructions for how to implement a custom `TableSink`. + +A `TableSink` is registered in a `TableEnvironment` as follows: --- End diff -- We should add a short paragraph why Table, TableSource, and TableSink need to be registered to the `Register a Table in the Catalog` section. The subsection should have links to the sections that show how registered tables are used (SQL: `FROM`, `INSERT INTO`, Table API: `scan()`, `insertInto()`).