Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: docs/dev/table/ ---
    @@ -89,15 +117,16 @@ val result2 = tableEnv.sql(
     Supported Syntax
    -Flink parses SQL using [Apache 
Calcite](, which supports 
standard ANSI SQL. DML and DDL statements are not supported by Flink.
    +Flink parses SQL using [Apache 
Calcite](, which supports 
standard ANSI SQL. DDL statements are not supported by Flink.
     The following BNF-grammar describes the superset of supported SQL features 
in batch and streaming queries. The [Operations](#operations) section shows 
examples for the supported features and indicates which features are only 
supported for batch or streaming queries.
    -  | {
    +  |[ insert into tableReference ]
    --- End diff --
    change to `|[ insert tableReference ]` and verify.
    Should actually also moved before `values` because we can use this as well 
to write literal rows to the sink


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