Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: docs/dev/table/ ---
    @@ -407,6 +506,14 @@ A batch `Table` can only be written to a 
`BatchTableSink`, while a streaming tab
     Please see the documentation about [Table Sources & Sinks]({{ site.baseurl 
}}/dev/table/sourceSinks.html) for details about available sinks and 
instructions for how to implement a custom `TableSink`.
    +There're two ways to emit a table:
    +1. Using `Table.writeToSink` which derives output schema from the input 
    --- End diff --
    1. `Table.writeToSink(TableSink sink)` emit the table using the provided 
TableSink and configures the sink with the schema of the table to emit.
    2. `Table.insertInto(String table)` looks up the TableSink in the catalog 
that was registered with a specific schema as `table`. The emission fails if 
`table` was not registered or if the schema of the registered TableSink does 
match the schema of the table to emit.


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