Zitat von Jens Wahnes <wah...@uni-koeln.de>:

On Wed, Feb 11 2015, at 10:41:40 -0500, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:

Quoting Jens Wahnes <wah...@uni-koeln.de>:
Don't know if these are related, but I'm having trouble since today's
update even after applying the above patch.  When trying to login after
the upgrade, the following message appears in the browser:

  A fatal error has occurred
  Missing required connection parameter(s).
  Details have been logged for the administrator.

In the logfile, I found these lines:

  2015-02-10T18:36:57+01:00 EMERG: HORDE [mnemo] Missing required
connection parameter(s). [pid 21859 on line 56 of
  2015-02-10T18:36:57+01:00 DEBUG: HORDE 1.
  2. Horde_Core_Block->getContent()
  3. Horde_Core_Block->_call() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Block.php:175
4. Mnemo_Block_Summary->_content() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Block.php:278
  5. Mnemo::listMemos() [...]/mnemo/lib/Block/Summary.php:59
  6. Mnemo_Factory_Driver->create() [...]/mnemo/lib/Mnemo.php:80
  7. Mnemo_Driver_Sql->__construct() [...]/mnemo/lib/Factory/Driver.php:73

For all I can tell, this is related to Mnemo as well, but I fail to
understand what's actually going on there.
So far, the only way I found to get Horde running again was to add a line
to registry.local.php that reads

  $this->applications['mnemo']['status'] = 'inactive';

Any hints for a proper fix would be appreciated.

How have you configured the storage backend in Mnemo's configuration?

$conf[storage][driver] is set to "SQL".  From what I can see in the
logfile, it's actually using the "mysqli" driver.  To me, it also looks
like there are several successful SQL queries being processed before
the error occurs.

$conf[notepads][driver] is set to "Default".

These settings have been like that for quite a while now. There were no
problems with previous updates.


Provide the *complete* configuration. Details are what matters.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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