Quoting Jens Wahnes <wah...@uni-koeln.de>:

On Tue, Feb 10 2015, at 11:44:16 -0500, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:

Quoting azurIt <azu...@pobox.sk>:

Mnemo suddenyl stopped working after last upgrade of IMP and few
libraries (don't remember them). When i try to open it, this error is

I don't have Nag installed and i don't want it. Don't really
understand why Mnemo is trying to use Nag. Are there any new
dependencies? Any hints? Thank you.

Looks like a copy/paste error or similar. This commit will fix it:

Don't know if these are related, but I'm having trouble since today's
update even after applying the above patch.  When trying to login after
the upgrade, the following message appears in the browser:

  A fatal error has occurred
  Missing required connection parameter(s).
  Details have been logged for the administrator.

In the logfile, I found these lines:

2015-02-10T18:36:57+01:00 EMERG: HORDE [mnemo] Missing required connection parameter(s). [pid 21859 on line 56 of "[...]/mnemo/lib/Driver/Sql.php"] 2015-02-10T18:36:57+01:00 DEBUG: HORDE 1. Horde_Core_Block_Layout_View->toHtml() [...]/services/portal/index.php:35 2. Horde_Core_Block->getContent() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Block/Layout/View.php:98
  3. Horde_Core_Block->_call() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Block.php:175
  4. Mnemo_Block_Summary->_content() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Block.php:278
  5. Mnemo::listMemos() [...]/mnemo/lib/Block/Summary.php:59
  6. Mnemo_Factory_Driver->create() [...]/mnemo/lib/Mnemo.php:80
  7. Mnemo_Driver_Sql->__construct() [...]/mnemo/lib/Factory/Driver.php:73

For all I can tell, this is related to Mnemo as well, but I fail to
understand what's actually going on there.
So far, the only way I found to get Horde running again was to add a line
to registry.local.php that reads

  $this->applications['mnemo']['status'] = 'inactive';

Any hints for a proper fix would be appreciated.

How have you configured the storage backend in Mnemo's configuration?

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