On Wed, Feb 11 2015, at 10:41:40 -0500, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:

> Quoting Jens Wahnes <wah...@uni-koeln.de>:
>> Don't know if these are related, but I'm having trouble since today's
>> update even after applying the above patch.  When trying to login after
>> the upgrade, the following message appears in the browser:
>>   A fatal error has occurred
>>   Missing required connection parameter(s).
>>   Details have been logged for the administrator.
>> In the logfile, I found these lines:
>>   2015-02-10T18:36:57+01:00 EMERG: HORDE [mnemo] Missing required  
>> connection parameter(s). [pid 21859 on line 56 of  
>> "[...]/mnemo/lib/Driver/Sql.php"]
>>   2015-02-10T18:36:57+01:00 DEBUG: HORDE 1.  
>> Horde_Core_Block_Layout_View->toHtml()  
>> [...]/services/portal/index.php:35
>>   2. Horde_Core_Block->getContent()  
>> /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Block/Layout/View.php:98
>>   3. Horde_Core_Block->_call() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Block.php:175
>>   4. Mnemo_Block_Summary->_content() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Block.php:278
>>   5. Mnemo::listMemos() [...]/mnemo/lib/Block/Summary.php:59
>>   6. Mnemo_Factory_Driver->create() [...]/mnemo/lib/Mnemo.php:80
>>   7. Mnemo_Driver_Sql->__construct() [...]/mnemo/lib/Factory/Driver.php:73
>> For all I can tell, this is related to Mnemo as well, but I fail to
>> understand what's actually going on there.
>> So far, the only way I found to get Horde running again was to add a line
>> to registry.local.php that reads
>>   $this->applications['mnemo']['status'] = 'inactive';
>> Any hints for a proper fix would be appreciated.

> How have you configured the storage backend in Mnemo's configuration?

$conf[storage][driver] is set to "SQL".  From what I can see in the
logfile, it's actually using the "mysqli" driver.  To me, it also looks
like there are several successful SQL queries being processed before
the error occurs.

$conf[notepads][driver] is set to "Default".

These settings have been like that for quite a while now. There were no
problems with previous updates.


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