Am 2019-02-14 08:17, schrieb Bernd Nachtigall:
You got it ;-)
Build a wizard with a nice design what lead the user into a dark wood
and let him alone there ... and then offer a paid specialist for this
higly complex installation.
Wow, I really can't tell if you are trolling or being serious.
For now I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and will assume that
you are serious and just don't know any better.
I'd consider changing a PostgreSQL's pg_hba.conf a pretty basic task,
quite the opposite of "highly complex".
That installation step you mentioned is even mentioned in the docs:
(the part where it says to locate your pg_hba.conf and enable md5
Also, you could have always chosen to go the MySQL route, which for some
reason you didn't do.
Unfortunately I have seen this at a lot of 'open source' solutions. One
company makes a fork and forces the development of this fork but then
added some no open source parts for urgent functions ... and offer paid
Please show me one single aspect of Icinga2 or Icingaweb2 that is not
fully open sourced.
So you aren't even reading the provided docs properly and complain that
paid support is being offered? I guess that's what you have to literally
pay for, when you don't read the provided docs.
And guess what, there is always community based support over at (currently down for maintenance), and even
the actual devs (which are available for hire) offer advice FOR FREE.
... But we can go back and fork again ;-)
No offense, but if you describe the Icingaweb2 setup as highly complex,
I doubt you understand the complexity of maintaining such a project and
everything that is involved, also Icinga2 and Icingaweb2 are written
from the ground up, both haven't been forked from anything.
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