On 2019-02-12 11:44, Bernd Nachtigall wrote:
Am 11.02.19 um 19:17 schrieb Bernd Nachtigall:
Am 10.02.19 um 20:48 schrieb Florian Bachmann:

this sounds like PostgreSQL authentication has not been properly

While Andreas apparently tries to connect using password authentication (not enabled with the default RHEL/CentOS postgresql configuration if I
remember correctly, and you will need to create the database roles
beforehand with the "postgres" administrator account), you seem to be
trying to authenticate with "ident", which basically means "if the db
user name matches the name of the user running the PostgreSQL client (as reported by the operating system) that is good enough and we don't need
no stinking passwords!". Unless your web server runs under the
"icingaweb" account, that isn't going to work out.

Basically both of you should study the PostgreSQL documentation for the
pg_hba.conf file, modify that file to fit your requirements, then
recycle the PostgreSQL daemon (systemctl restart postgresql, reload
isn't good enough) and try again.

Indeed I am not a postgres specialist and I do not use/create a DB-User for icingsweb2. But I does not found this is neccessary during the wizard.

Why have a wizard if I have to do such basics w/o a hint during the
wizard runs? (No answer neccessary ;-)

OK, now I have configured the access to the pgsql. In the Wizard I get
the messages:

"Database Resource

Now please configure the database resource where to store users and user
groups. Note that the database itself does not need to exist at this
time as it is going to be created once the wizard is about to be finished."

Ah, perfect. I can go forward without create the table itself.

I fill out the fields and get the message(s):

"Unable to check the server's version. This is usually not a critical
error as there is probably only access to the database permitted which
does not exist yet. If you are absolutely sure you are running
PostgreSQL in a version equal to or newer than 9.1, you can skip the
validation and safely proceed to the next step. The error was:
SQLSTATE[08006] [7] FATAL: database "icingaweb_db" does not exist"

I am sure that my PGSQL Version ist equal or newser than 9.1 (it is
10.x) and the message above means that there is no problem if the DB is
missing because the wizard will create them.

But after the the wizard comes to the end I get:

"Unable to create user group "Administrators". An error occured:
ERROR: Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception in
/usr/share/icingaweb2/library/vendor/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php:145 with message: SQLSTATE[08006] [7] FATAL: database "icingaweb_db" does not exist"

OK, it is no problem to create the DB manuelly before start the wizard,
but ...

... if I create a DB for icingaweb2 the result is: 'Unable to create
user group "Administrators". ... Undefined table ...'

This is correct. I have created the DB (and added the neccessary rights)
but I do not import a schema or create the tables. Do you remember, the
wizard wrote: "Note that the database itself does not need to exist at
this time as it is going to be created once the wizard is about to be

Is there a DB schema or a description to install the tables manually? Or
is there a documentation to install icingaweb w/o the wizard? It seems
that the wizard does not play with me ...


This is exactly how the (non-)Wizard behaves for me also. A total waste of a lot of precious time with documentation that is misleading on various points and outright wrong on others. But I guess there is always paid support.


Andreas Kasenides
icinga-users mailing list

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