Am 28.12.18 um 20:47 schrieb Andreas Kasenides:
> trying to install Icingaweb2 using the wizard fails at the last
> configuration step with the following result:
> ERROR: Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception in
> /usr/share/icingaweb2/library/vendor/Zend/Db/Adapter/
> /Pdo/Abstract.php:145 with message: SQLSTATE[08006] [7] FATAL:
> password authentication failed for user "icingaweb"

I run to a similar error when configuring icingaweb2 via wizard.

When reach the page 'Database Reaource' i see a yellow message above
that the wizard is unable to check the servers version. (pgsql version
10.x is running at this time!) The message say that I can skip the
validation if I am sure that the version is equal or never that version
9.1. But the last sentence is: 'FATAL: Ident authentication failed for
user "icingaweb"'

If skip the validation I can run the wizard to the end but get the same
error as Andreas.

Any hints?

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