I disagree, physical tape generation is not efficient (cost-wise or in reality 
man-power wise).  

You can Rsync most VTS boxes, and most also have built in DR recovery options 
to allow offloading copies of the data.  

There are fairly inexpensive VTS's (like a z/VT from Optica) which allows you 
to write directly to network storage, (no internal drives are necessary).  
There are several vendors that have VTS with direct network attachment 
capabilities, for both primary and backup syncing. 

The solution is not to be carting tapes back and forth, (especially in a war 
zone).  That's just asking for trouble.  You can send it electronically much 
quicker and very securely, to almost anywhere in the world that you think is 
safe to store that data.

The solution is to be able to have a copy of your data, that copy going to 
physical tape is too time consuming to create and too time consuming to 
maintain.  You will end up (like most sites used to have) with people 
designated to keep track of the tapes, to make sure that they go out and come 
back on time, to make sure they get created correctly and from the correct 
source.... it's a waste when you have options to do that type of thing in far 
better and easier ways.  You can even use something like IBM Cloud connection 
to have your data go to virtual tape and the cloud at the same time (or 
extremely soon after creation).  There are many similar products, and none of 
them would require the costs and headaches associated with physical tapes.

Remember that tapes degrade fairly quickly, and exposing tapes to environmental 
changes make that degradation happen faster.

Also, you have to think about redundancy of the control units and drive 
transports.  If you only have one, and it breaks, so long backups.  If you have 
two and they both break you will have just as many problems, but repair and 
maintenance costs for those drive and control units will go up over time.  They 
don't get cheaper over time at all, maintenance costs always go up as things 
age, especially things with moving parts.


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