Peter wrote:

>Are these available as ejectable tape ?

Yes, you can eject tape cartridges from the IBM TS4500 and TS4300 tape 
libraries then move those tape cartridges wherever you want. Here's the 
information for the TS4500, for example:

The whitepaper I linked to in my previous post includes a section entitled 
"DFSMSrmm Stacked Volume Support" starting on page 13 with a typical scenario 
that assumes physical backup tapes will be ejected/removed from the IBM TS4300 
tape library, stored in a vault somewhere, then (optionally, for non-WORM tape) 
retrieved and reused for new backups as older backups age out. That section 
runs for several pages and describes the various steps in some detail.

If I'm missing the gist of your question, please follow up.

Timothy Sipples
Senior Architect
Digital Assets, Industry Solutions, and Cybersecurity
IBM Z/LinuxONE, Asia-Pacific

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