MODE B and TYPE E are not universal, alas.

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Andrew Rowley
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2025 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: File transfer question

On 19/01/2025 6:00 am, Kirk Wolf wrote:
> I'm 99% certain that there are some "site" options in IBM FTP that will 
> round-trip binary VB data.    I've seen it discussed on IBM-MAIN, but not for 
> years and I can't recall the details.

I should have been more specific, it should be both usable on another platform 
(i.e. documented) and able to be transferred back to z/OS.

I searched some old threads, I didn't test it but there is a suggestion that




works for a round trip transfer. Is the resulting format documented anywhere?

I transferred some data and compared to data transferred with the RDW, from 
what I can see:

- the 4 byte rdw (2 bytes length) is replaced with a 3 byte field

- the length is the length of the data without rdw i.e. 4 bytes less than in 
the RDW

- the first bit in the 3 bytes is set, I don't know what it means.

z/OSMF can also transfer VB data using REST services, it uses a different 
format again. The length field is 4 bytes and is the data length only. 
According to the documentation a round trip should work.

I've seen another example (I can't remember the product) which used the RDW 
format, except that the length was little endian.

> FWIW, you can do it easily with Co:Z SFTP.

Yes, Co:Z SFTP works well. Unfortunately it isn't available at all sites.

Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software

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