On 19/01/2025 6:00 am, Kirk Wolf wrote:
I'm 99% certain that there are some "site" options in IBM FTP that will 
round-trip binary VB data.    I've seen it discussed on IBM-MAIN, but not for years and I 
can't recall the details.

I should have been more specific, it should be both usable on another platform (i.e. documented) and able to be transferred back to z/OS.

I searched some old threads, I didn't test it but there is a suggestion that




works for a round trip transfer. Is the resulting format documented anywhere?

I transferred some data and compared to data transferred with the RDW, from what I can see:

- the 4 byte rdw (2 bytes length) is replaced with a 3 byte field

- the length is the length of the data without rdw i.e. 4 bytes less than in the RDW

- the first bit in the 3 bytes is set, I don't know what it means.

z/OSMF can also transfer VB data using REST services, it uses a different format again. The length field is 4 bytes and is the data length only. According to the documentation a round trip should work.

I've seen another example (I can't remember the product) which used the RDW format, except that the length was little endian.

FWIW, you can do it easily with Co:Z SFTP.

Yes, Co:Z SFTP works well. Unfortunately it isn't available at all sites.

Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software

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