Hello, Gottfried.

On Tue, 28 Jan 2025 10:09:45 +0000
gfp <g...@posteo.at> wrote:

> I have the impression (I can´t say which ones at the moment)
> and others also
> (AFAI remember Avron mentioned it in Trisquel),
> that in Guix
> e.g. MATE desktop
> has less Applications available
> than MATE desktop in Trisquel
> although both are GNU systems.
> Why is that?
> Does it mean that in Guix are less MATE apps packed?

There are at least two projects developing MATE applications:
- the MATE Desktop Environment project
- the Ubuntu MATE project

Respectively, MATE applications would arrive to Trisquel by one of these routes:
- MATE Desktop Environment project → Debian → Ubuntu MATE → Trisquel
- Ubuntu MATE → Trisquel

However, so far, Guix only packages upstream applications directly:
- MATE Desktop Environment project → Guix

Do you mean that mate-tweak is missing?
That application comes from Ubuntu MATE and is a fork of Mintdesktop.
It is not a part of MATE Desktop Environment. It was not packaged in Guix.
Maybe, no one has strongly needed it in Guix yet?


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