Jean Louis <> wrote:
> How are you?

Ehm...  Fine.  What is the occasion to ask?

> On October 10, 2019 12:39:00 PM UTC, Dmitry Alexandrov <> 
> wrote:
>>Did you move it offlist intentionally?  If not, may I resend it back?
> Me for sure not intentionally and Guix managers are anyway conducting 
> censorship... So no big deal.

I suppose, they are not in position to censor

> You can resend what you wish. I am not forbidding two-way free speech.


>>>>Wow!  Ease off a bit!
> No need. I am not feeling fear when I state something. So they did not ease 
> with thru FUD and defamation on Guix pages on domain, so why MD or 
> others should be silenced? No need.
>>>>You might not noticed that, but today Guix is the most vivid part of GNU.  
>>>>And I could not image an action, that might cause more damage to GNU 
>>>>project, than urging Guix lead developers to leave.
> I [] see absolutely no problem there.

I’m afraid, Dr. Stallman would see.

> And free software can be freely used? So what is the loss?

The loss is hidden behind the question, I suggested you to think on: “What the 
point of dubbing some free program an official GNU package nowadays?  Why such 
thing as GNU software still exists at all, when impulse it gave 35 years ago 
was successful and free software is not rare anymore?”

>>I do not see how it can be harmful for Guix.
> Their only loss is for them to lose other 100000 dollars donation, that is 
> possible reason for their hostile take over attempt.

> What is point in backstabbing of RMS? I asked and never got answers but FUD.

To get rid of him, of course.  Why to ask for obvious answer?

>>I do not see how it can be harmful for Guix.  Not to say, that you are also 
>>urging to oust, at least, Guile and GnuPG.
> No, not at all. I am asking people to behave according to GNU kind 
> communication guidelines.

Many of your letters contain a footer with a call for lead developers of Guix, 
Guile and GnuPG to leave GNU.  Even if your claim that Guix depends on FSF 
financially is true, GPG is for sure self-sufficient.

>>Of course, it up to them, and I hope they have enough respect for GNU and RMS 
>>heritage not to follow you strong advice.
> They have no respect for RMS.

I hope, that you have, though.  And thus will stop to tear down the project he 

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