Did you move it offlist intentionally?  If not, may I resend it back?

Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:
> On October 10, 2019 11:39:42 AM UTC, Dmitry Alexandrov <321...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>>Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:
>>> * Alexander Vdolainen <a...@vapaa.xyz> [2019-10-09 23:13]:
>>> - and then within that group there is now a hostile takeover group of
>>people starting with Ludovic Courtès and his "fellows" where none of
>>them could answer my email to provide me with the facts about their
>>statement. They are behaving against established implicit and explicit
>>GNU guidelines, and so far nobody from FSF is enforcing any policy
>>against them. They are danger to GNU project.
>>> My solution would be radical and simple: ask them to refrain damaging
>>GNU project, or fork their software, and expell them from GNU project.

Have you noticed, that your MUA produces quoting mess in attempt to hardwrap 
lines while being unable to do that properly?  As there is actually no point in 
hardwrapping lines, you’d better just disable it rather than trying to fix.

>>Wow!  Ease off a bit!
>>You might not noticed that, but today Guix is the most vivid part of
>>GNU.  And I could not image an action, that might cause more damage to
>>GNU project, than urging Guix lead developers to leave.  Even if you
>>believe that forking software over political discord is good thing to
>>do (despite it does not align well with the rest of your message), by
>>all means, you would not able to outcompete them, so it would simply
>>ended in Guix out of GNU.  So it even more harmful than urging RMS to
>>leave.  After all, RMS is mortal and, alas, will leave us and GNU
>>sooner or later, while Guix is not necessary.
> It is not harmful if Guix remains free software, how it can be?

What the point of dubbing some free program an official GNU package nowadays?  
In other words, why such thing as GNU software still exists at all, when 
impulse it gave 35 years ago was successful and free software is not rare 

> It is only harmful for Guix.

I do not see how it can be harmful for Guix.  Not to say, that you are also 
urging to oust, at least, Guile and GnuPG.

> It was not my decision, it is theirs.

Of course, it up to them, and I hope they have enough respect for GNU and RMS 
heritage not to follow you strong advice.

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